florenciaPesquisadora colaboradora Plena e fazendo post doutorado em Universidade de Brasilia. Possui graduação em Biology - Universidad Nacional de La Patagonia San Juan Bosco (2008) e doutorado em Biologia - Universidade Nacional de Córdoba - Argentina (2013). I am conducting the postdoctoral project Facing climate change: The future of the amphibians and reptiles from the "Arc of Deforestation" of the Brazilian Amazon . The project includes three focal species: Iguana iguana (Iguanidae), Salvator merianae (Teiidae), and Rhinella schneideri (Bufonidae). The objectives of this project are to infer the evolutionary history, delineate species boundaries using coalescent-based species delimitation methods, and to formalize new lineages using an integrative taxonomy framework of those species. The broader goal of our project is to test comparative phylogeographical models among those species to understand how climate change will affect biological communities inhabiting the Amazon-Cerrado ecotone a key area for a broader species extinction risk assessment analysis. The data and results of this project will also aid more precisely calibrating existing global extinction models in under-sampled regions of the world that are at a high risk of biodiversity loss. The outcomes of this project will aid to develop accurate scientific knowledge for scientists, policy makers and the public to make informed decisions about how human activities are influencing the biota and the biosphere processes in the present and the future.

E-mail: florbreitman @ gmail.com; breitman @ unb.br

Link para o CV Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4790724275996502

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